Tuesday, February 8, 2011

||||||| S T R I P E S |||||||

Looking through my decorating folders, I began to see a pattern...and that pattern was STRIPES! I love the way these stripes add so much personality and color. We don't have any bold stripes in our house....but these after looking at these pictures, I wanna go home and figure out where and how!

Varying the size of the stripes makes this seem more like wallpaper then a paint treatment. I just love this bedroom.

photo credits: phoebe howard, suzanne kasler, house beautiful

Hope you have a wonderful Tuesday... and happy, happy birthday to my wonderful husband!!


  1. I was recently evaluating my wardrobe and realized i wear a ton of stripes. I might need to edit ;). Love the pics!

  2. Where is the beautiful striped stool in your last picture from?

  3. It's from Suzanne Kasler's site.


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