Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Designer Spotlight: Lara Casey

One of the best things about social media is that you stumble upon people and businesses you never would have known existed. Well, thanks to Instagram, I found out about this amazing entrepreneur, Lara Casey. Good gosh, whenever I feel like I'm working hard or making some progress, I just need to look at her work and step-up my game.

I don't know how she does all of this (with a toddler!) but she is definitely inspiring. I love following mommy designers. It's so refreshing to see other women creating fabulous designs and pouring themselves into their businesses, yet embracing being a mommy and putting their babies first, at the same time. I won't lie, being a working mom is not easy—to say the least. It's the hardest thing I've ever done, and I'm blessed to work from home. It's a balancing act (I could write a novel on it... to be continued)...BUT, the passion and faith Lara has behind her work is truly rare. I could read her blog and view her website(s) for days—that's how involved she is. 

I personally have been very inspired recently and am wanting to take my business (my website/my branding/etc) to the next level. It's just hard to find the time, when I'm so swamped updating other businesses' branding and websites. Believe me, I wouldn't have that any other way (my clients are what matter), but it's people like Lara, who make me want to carve out the time to be the best I can be (as cliche as that may sound)...and most importantly, to do it for a greater cause. Check out her site here and her blog here, to see what I'm talking about. 

Whew, she's one talented, BUSY lady, that's for sure. So here's to being inspired and many more "Designer Spotlights" to come...


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