Friday, August 30, 2013

My Website: Programming Patience

Lots of back and forth with my programmers around here. We're finalizing my new website—and crossing my fingers we will launch very soon, hopefully 2-3 weeks max.

So much hard work, sweat and tears have gone into this site. I honestly don't think I've ever worked so hard on any design project in my entire life. This site redesign started Spring 2013, so considering it's now FALL 2013, I am ready to have this baby behind me and in front of you!

Happy Labor Day weekend!


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Recent Branding Boards

Here are some recent branding boards I've designed.

I haven't blogged about many of these because I've been so busy working on new projects. Every time I think about blogging, another deadline gets priority. Needless to say, all of these clients are very special to me and deserve their own post(s)...hopefully some day soon I will have time to share the stories, tears and sweat that went into each project. BUT, these days I'm lucky to post one work-related project per month—so here goes....

More coming soon. I saved some favorites for the next round so stay tuned...


Monday, August 5, 2013

New Branding and Website: Caroline Ceramics

The new Caroline Ceramics website is live! This was a true labor of love, and we so worked hard to make sure this site was everything it needed it be, including a shop and a blog. I can't tell you how much I love this girl, and it thrills me to see her beautiful work come alive on the site. The site design and branding is so Caroline, and that's what matters most in the end.

We can't wait to celebrate this beautiful artist's wedding in the Highlands in September!

Check it out. Caroline is the complete package. Her work is so original and beautiful, just like her sweet little self!

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